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... and get to the sacred place of your Rebirth as a conscious Soul. 
Through a daily practice of Spiritual workouts, you let the skin of the ego to the West and reunite your triadic Self with the One!

You are sacred.
Great Spirit is within you, assisting you as you detach from belief patterns, fears and doubts
and you align with your Infinite Soul.
By choosing a regular practice of prayer, guided meditations and mindful actions, you return to your natural state of
being present and you start a new chapter in your life, full of happiness and bliss.
This will illuminate your way to your spiritual journey, which is your experience on this world!
Your personal West as an ego-driven mind, the dissolution of the programmed "self",
is your awakening to your true state as an expression of the Divine. It is closer than you think!
As you activate your highest potential and heal your ego-self with the aid of the Divine Light, through the spiritual exercises and transformative tools of Feidaoxi- Healing,
you merge into the state of eternal peace, love and compassion.
Your daily mindful practice uplifts the veil of Lethe (oblivion) and brings you in a state of remembrance of your origin
as a sparkle of the Great Spirit, of God/dess, Source or whatever we humans may call It.
Join the critical mass of Souls spreading Unconditional Love on Mother Gaia
during these wonderful times of ascension.
Wise Shamans and Healers, Angels of Light and Inspired Artists will stay by your side... 
Blessed be!

Healing with Light: Welcome


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Healing with Light: Text
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Need some help with your spiritual awakening?
Work with Light!

If you feel that feidaoxi-healing content suits you. 
If you believe you can benefit from feidaoxi guidance to your spiritual journey.
If you are being challenged with a "Dark night of the Soul"
If you seek an energetic boost or need an ego-death chart for your observation
If you identify yourself as a Lightworker or DM/DF Twin Flame counterpart and need assistance.
If you somehow know that you are reading this for a reason. the button below to see the full list of services and supportive tools
and walk your spiritual path with feidaoxi!

Healing with Light: Text
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